Carpet Care

Carpet care is pretty simple: all you need is a good vacuum with a carpet setting and a few cleaning products!

Follow these simple tips to keep your carpet looking its best:

  • Always treat a spill immediately. The longer the spill sets, the harder it’ll be to remove it completely.
  • Blot stains and remove solid material from spills. Do not rub on them as you could make the stain worse.
  • If you need a spot removal solvent, use a product approved by The Carpet and Rug Institute of America. If the stain persists, contact a professional cleaner to see if they can remove the stain.
  • For pet stains, use a product specifically designated and designed for pet stains since there could be a residual odor if not treated properly.
  • Vacuum your carpet regularly to prevent buildup.
  • Depending on use and lifestyle, you may want to consider professional cleaning every 12 to 18 months.
  • Use scissors to clip snags and DO NOT pull on them—you could damage your carpet.