Hardwoods: Pre-Finished v. Unfinished

Hardwoods are a classic, timely addition to any space and there are a variety of shades, dimensions, and woods to use so they can fit any style. If you know you want hardwoods, but  don’t understand the difference between pre-finished and unfinished solid hardwood flooring, we have the answers for you:
Pre-finished hardwood flooring will cost more up front, but can save you more in the long run depending on time and labor if you have someone else doing the staining. Pre-finished do have a limited number of stains and do not come in the popular colors (like yellow!). By having it pre-finished, the manufacturer has already sanded and sealed with a urethane ensuring quality floors you can enjoy the moment they are installed. This is a very easy option!
Unfinished solid hardwood flooring can be a longer process, but for those who have a specific color or stain in mind look in mind, this the best option since the sky is the limit. It will cost less initially, but after the sanding, sealing and time (depending on how big your space is), you will most likely incur higher costs. You also cannot walk on the floors as they are drying, which can be annoying if you are redoing the entire house.
Regardless of your decision, your hardwood floors will be an enduring, beautiful statement in your home.

New Flooring Trends

Flooring has really upped their game in the past few years and there are so many options available today to choose from.  Consider what we feel with be the 2019 top contenders.

Waterproof flooring and it isn’t just tile anymore.  Your choices are enormous whether you choose waterproof vinyl, laminate or yes even carpet.  People today, especially families and those with pets, don’t want to spend all their time cleaning when there is so much more in life to enjoy.

Wood looking flooring.  This has been probably the number one trend for a couple of years now.  Wood-look flooring can come in laminate, vinyl, and ceramic tile making it ideal for every room of your home.  You will be surprised how far this has come, if you haven’t looked lately.

Textured flooring.  I have been shocked with some of the ideas seen on TV but it continues to be one of the top trends for 2019. You can find hand scraped, wire brushed, distressed, and even burnt flooring but its popularity continues to grow and when you check it out you will see why.

Colored flooring.  Gray and even whiter colors continue to head the chart but dark colors can make a room look rich and expensive but remember they can also make a room look smaller and will show scratches more.  My vote is to stay with the lighter tones which will remain popular for years to come.

Environmentally friendly flooring.  Everyone is becoming more environmentally aware and this includes knowing where your flooring came from and what materials it was made with.  It is huge right now and we appreciate the effort flooring manufacturers have incorporated in their products.

Many of the past trends continue and new products offer even greater flexibility.  Come in today and let us show you what is available.

How Often Do You Replace Carpet?

This is a question that has a variety of answers and is dependent on many factors. For starters:

-What is your lifestyle?

-Do you have pets?

-Do you have children?

-What room in your house is carpeted?

-What kind of carpet did you install?

-Do you live in a wet climate prone to mold?

Based on your answer to these questions, you may need to replace your carpet sooner than others.

Stains, whether from pets, children, or spills from entertaining, can lead to needing new carpets. You can only move your furniture to hide them so many times.

Rooms that have more high traffic, i.e. the living room, may need to be replaced more frequently than a bedroom that is not used as the central location for gathering and playing.

Additionally, pet odor or odor in general can cling to your carpets.

Generally speaking though, if your carpets are well taken care of and cleaned frequently, this will be less of an issue. Carpet can last anywhere from five to fifteen years. However, most individuals choose to replace it when one of the aforementioned problems are evident. We can help you look for these things and determine when to switch out your carpet.


2019 Floor Trends

In the spirit of the new year, we’re detailing our predictions for the year to come based on emerging trends from last year. What style will you try this year?

Lighter wood tones: Lighter wood floors to include grey hues will increase in popularity in the year ahead as they provide an airier feel to a room.

Wide planks: Wide planks are leading the market and make a bold statement. Wider the better here.

Luxury Vinyl Tile: Vinyl got a new makeover and is nicer, easier to clean, and easier to install. With all those perks and a better price than tile, what’s not to love?

Large-Format TilesThe European-led trend toward large tiles can be utilized on both floors and walls. There is a wide range of styles, prices, and colors.


Colored Floors

Most floors are neutral colors, regardless of the material. Your floors don’t have to take the back seat to the rest of your room, though. There are some ways for floors to have fun, make a statement, and connect the entire look and feel of the home. The easiest way is through color! Here are a few of our favorite ideas:

  • Colored tile comes in a variety of shades, designs, and textures.















  • Now hardwood stains come in a variety of shades, but they can also be painted to create a more vibrant look.

Hardwoods v. Softwoods

Wood floors are beautiful and each wood type has its own distinct colorings and patterns. The trouble, though, is not all woods are durable enough to be on the floor. 

Softwoods are from gymnosperm trees, which usually have needles and cones. They are used in fiberboard, paper, timber, and as Christmas trees!

Whereas hardwoods are from angiosperm trees and have broad leaves. Because of their density and strength, hardwoods are used in flooring, decks, and high quality furniture. 

Common hardwoods are alder, balsa, beech, hickory, mahogany, maple, oak, teak, and walnut. Although in the same category, they each have different colors! Find the hardwood that’s right for your home today. 

Protect Your Floors During the Holidays

During the holiday season, guests are coming and going and your floors are getting more wear than normal. There are a few tips that will help keep your floors nice and stay cleaner longer!

  1. Institute a new shoes in the house policy: This will ensure no one is tracking anything on your floors and dirtying your floors.
  2. If you have pets, make a pet policy: If you normally only let your dogs in through the mud room so you can clean their paws, let everyone know upfront that they only come in through that door. Otherwise, guests will think they are being helpful by letting the dogs in the living room door and allowing them to track their dirty paws through the house.
  3. Have door mats at every door: This will encourage guests to wipe their shoes off before coming in the door.
  4. If there are any floors you desperately want to protect, buy cheap rugs to conceal them during the holidays.
  5. Clean spills as they happen: A setting spill does more damage than a recent spill!

Orange + Black Floors

In the spirit of Halloween, we’ve highlighted a few black and orange floor options! Black is a great statement option that when combined with a white tile, becomes a classic option. There are also many natural stone tiles that have an orangey hue and make for a great neutral option in warm spaces. Which is your favorite?

-Patterned concrete tiles come in an array of colors, including black, white and orange!








-Terracotta tile has an orangey coloring, but a fun texture and classic look.









-Black and white is a timeless option with endless options.










-Solid black honeycomb is also a classic tile option.

Stairway Options

Have you ever thought about making your stairway a statement location in your home?

You don’t have to do the traditional wood or carpet floors. Instead, you can have fun with runners, designs, paint, and backings. Take a look at what we mean below!

-Runners can be made out of almost any carpets, and provide color to your staircase. Some rugs can even be turned into runners!









-Your wood staircase doesn’t have to be lain in the traditional horizontal pattern. Go for herringbone or another design.







-Painting your wooden stairs can make all the difference in the world. Again, endless options from traditional to a more fun ombre look.








-The back part of your staircase should be thought of like your backsplash and can have just as much of an impact of your space.

Best Floors for a Screened-In Porch

Screened-in porches are a great way to listen and feel as though you are outdoors, without the bugs, rain, and heat (if you install a fan, that is). Especially in Texas, this little extension of your home can be used all year round.
 As you read this title you probably thought tile, tile, tile! But the truth of the matter is, there are a couple other materials and tons of variations of modern day tile to consider for your screened in porch.
1. Cement Tiles:
2. Wood Tiles:

3. Stained Concrete:
4. Traditional tile variations:
5. Pavers: