Grout Cleaning Tips

Your tile may be stunning and clean with a gentle mopping, but the true secret to clean, sparkling floor is clean grout. This can be especially apparent if you have a light colored grout with a matching light colored tile. Grout is unfortunately porous meaning it can absorb spills and stains. Here’s how to keep your grout looking like new:

  1. Commercial cleaners are great, but you can also making a simple cleaning/whitening paste out of a combination of baking soda and water.
  2. Rub your cleaner in the grout and wait (overnight if possible) and the scrub scrub scrub with a stiffer, but not metal brush in the morning. Metal brushes can damage your grout, so make sure it is gentle enough to not tear apart your grout. Repeat until your tile is clean!
  3. Apply a sealer to the grout to repel future stains. If you spill anything that could stain, i.e. red wine, make sure to clean it up ASAP so the stain doesn’t have time to set.